Original Airdate - October 25, 2015
An official memo from the desk of Roxy Bourdon:
Did I scare ya?
PrimeTime is returning to America, but Maxie is going to Iceland for a few weeks with that nice Thora girl to do a concert together. So instead, the Board of Directors has decided to have another guest general manager this week. This episode is gonna be very special to me, as my special little guy is gonna be guest general manager!
For the PrimeTime Halloween special, we're gonna have it be in Salem, Massachusetts. Y'know, like the cat on that one show with the magic girl. I think it was called Sabra the Young Adult Occultist or something. And rumor has it the arena is haunted by the ghost of girls who were hung as witches. Scaaaaaaaary! There will be people giving out free candy at the door for whoever is in a costume, so be sure to dress up!
Without further ado, please welcome the general manager for this week, my little boy, Rudy!
So. Who else to host HALLOWEEN PrimeTime than the man who's like Doctor Frankenstein, but five times cooler, am I right?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Mad Doctor is BACK in the General Manager's chair for the first time since ProWres. So, I thought, hey! You're evil. You get to be GM again. Halloween is 'The Most Evil Night of the Year'. Why not make this the most EVIL card I've EVER made? EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH. will have a stipulation. But not just any stipulations. The majority them will be designed to either put one or both people at a disadvantage. I've also invited guest stars, just so they can join in the fun. Details are below, and trust me when I say you'll wanna read them.
For starters, we have someone who trained me alongside her ex-husband. Laura Brennan...it's been a while, hasn't it? I notice you've been uh...getting awfully acquainted with that Richie Stevens guy. I also notice you both really love a certain move. Y'know, that kick to the face that you guys do? So, I thought that I would have you two will fight each other, but that move is banned. And if you DO use it? Well...it's a disqualification, a five hundred dollar fine and you will be BANNED from the PrimeTime arena for seven months.
...Okay, to tell the truth, Laura...Yeah, I AM still a little bitter about my time spent training under you. But hey, trust me when I say that you're not getting the worst deal here, okay?
For example, the people in the next match have to deal with landmines. El Trippy V, Amber Ember, Juan Cortes, and Wendell Milligan are in a four way match. They'll get some saving grace, however. So long as they can find somebody willing to take their places, replacements can be accepted. That is, if they pay me enough to have them replaced. So hey, there's that.
I also have an Empty Arena match. Well uh...almost. Y'see, the idea was to actually give these debuting talents a taste of isolation for their first matches in AES...except we uh...ACCIDENTALLY ended up selling tickets to the match. I know, I know. I realize it's not as effective now, but...go along with it. I promise the next few matches are back on the evil.
For example, the person who just won that Smokehouse Coupon? Drake Howard? Guess what...he has a mystery opponent. But if that's not bad enough, I also made the match barbed wire with things exploding if you go outside the ring. So uh...yeah. Don't do that.
Of course, I can't forget my arch rival, can I? I wanted something ESPECIALLY evil for Walter, and I think I found something. Walter. Steel. Two guys I hate. A lot. I really wanted to put at least one of them at a disadvantage so uh...hear me out. I have three of the biggest tough guys in AES, Del Rudo, Baldomero La Estatua and a mysterious tough guy pick their team leader. The best part is, no matter what side you pick, the match will always be uneven. Either 2 vs 3, or 4 vs 1. So uh...be sure to pick your sides wisely.
Lastly, we have an eight women free for all starring eight women hand picked by me. The winner will get a shot against my good friend, Girly, in the show's main event, but that match starts IMMEDIATELY after the eight woman free for all so uh...once you win? Be sure to think fast.
See you at the show, and of course...Happy Halloween.
Dr. Main Event.
The Superkick/Kiwi Kick is BANNED
Laura Brennan vs Richie Stevens
(Almost) Empty Arena Match
Alan Emmerich Stevenson vs Jamie Panic vs Vendrix Valor
Landmine Match (Replacements Have Been Arrranged)El Trippy V vs Amber Ember vs Juan Cortes vs Wendell Milligan
Joseph "Stardy" Best (From the Skullgirls Credits) vs DEUS vs Don "The Pain" Wayne vs A Mystery Replacement
Barbed Wire Match: Smokehouse Coupon on the Line
Drake Howard vs a Mystery Opponent
Handicap Match, No Matter How You Look at It. Have Fun!
Walter Zenon & ??? vs Dr. Steel & ???
(ft. Del Rudo, Baldomero La Estatua, and a mystery man)
Free For All ROSE World Title Contendership Match
Enenra vs Rebeca Garcia vs Vicki Roxx vs Alex Santos vs Connie Quinn vs Birdy L vs Francine Ugondus vs SYNthia
ROSE World Championship Match, IMMEDIATELY!
Amy Roselyn © vs Winner of the Free For All