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NOW Elite: The Finale

NOW Elite: The Finale 637 Views

Episode 16 - We Are The Elite

Shogo Mido speaks! Will Harold Remington-Harrington and Shogo meet in a showdown?

Battling Against The Streak
Casey McCloud vs Crusher Connolly

Falls Count Anywhere Title Unification: NOW Prosperity Championship and the CNW Television Championship
Cobra T. Washington vs Kamara Moore

A Grey World
John Doe vs El Beardy

Neo Solar TUFU returns
Laura Brennan vs Otosan

The Main Event. Hell in a Cell, NOW Legends Championship
Cazz Jordann vs Blackout

Card subject to change

Tags: now, sam sampson, roche fortier, lakeem, emerson jensen, casey mccloud, crusher connolly, cobra t washington, kamara moore, harold remington harrington, shogo mido, king mido, el beardy, john doe, laura brennan, otosan, blackout, cazz jordann, zebadiah thurston,