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Uncharted Oceans Wrestling Episode 1

Uncharted Oceans Wrestling Episode 1 559 Views

After it was announced that Uncharted Oceans Wrestling would be opening for business, ― thanks to the creative mind of principal owner, Hank Arlington, and the supportive investments of the analytical thinkers in charge of the Seaside Venture Capitalist firm ― wrestling fans around the world have been beaming with excitement. Just the idea of a “wrestle vessel” or a “bruise cruise,” as online message boards have affectionately dubbed the S.S. Armbar, has everyone abuzz with imaginative speculation and hopeful anticipation. Now, UOW’s first show is set to emanate live from the Embarcadero, in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area.

To decide the inaugural UOW Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Arlington and the supervisors delegated to him by Seaside Venture Capitalists have agreed upon a six-man round robin tournament to decide who will compete for the gold at the promotion’s first pay-per-view event, Man Overboard. The two men with the best win-loss records will be inserted into the main event bout. Each competitor involved will only have one opportunity to knock off each of the other men in the tournament, so every match leading up to the special event will be of grave importance! Tonight, we’ll see the first rotation of matches in the five-week round robin.

In contrast, Arlington and his board of supervisors have declared the UOW Women’s Championship to be the grand prize for a double elimination bracket-style tournament that features eight talented wrestlers: Sophia Archfield, Vicki Roxx, Hayley Sykes, Tekina, Camilla DeCosta, DJ Wavebird, Minnie Holiday, and Captain Jill Swallows! The finalists from the Winner’s Bracket and Loser’s Bracket will meet at Man Overboard, where the Winner’s Bracket finalist will have the advantage, as they could lose and still be entitled to another match before being properly eliminated from the tournament. We’ll see four of these women face off in the first half of the opening round of the tournament tonight!

We made sure that we had room for other contests on the card, though! While the inaugurations of Uncharted Oceans’ first two champions are surely a big deal, we realize there are plenty more wrestlers on our roster than just the fourteen competing in the championship tournaments. While perusing the great many contracts that had been signed by the wrestlers aboard the S.S. Armbar, it was discovered that a UOW signee by the name of Marquis Francoise de la Dupont has actually never wrestled a match before. We know first matches are always a stinker, but we decided to stick him into the squared circle with somebody who’s a tried and true veteran with a good idea of what he’s doing: Adelbert the Honorable!

Captain Damion Dagger has also issued an open challenge to any member of the Uncharted Oceans roster, in a harebrained attempt at a marketing campaign for the services of his crew. The Captain dared his colleagues to come down to the squared circle on take on a triad of his henchmen. Will anyone accept this ridiculous challenge, and if so, who?

All of this and much more at the inaugural show of Uncharted Oceans Wrestling!



Donald Thompson vs. PRIME

Doyale Mackenzie vs. Chuck Stallion

Chase Maverick vs. Dave Dukakis



Sophia Archfield vs. Camilla DeCosta

Hayley Sykes vs. Tekina


Marquis Francoise de la Dupont vs. Adelbert the Honorable


Damion Dagger’s Crew vs. ?

Also featuring special appearances from Jake McGrath, DJ Wavebird, Usvifr Magni, Fushin, and more!

Tags: uow, dj wavebird, jake mcgrath, usvifr magni, fushin, captain damion dagger, desmond anderson, marquis francoise de la dupont, adelbert the honorable, hayley sykes, tekina, sophia archfield, camilia decosta, dave dukakis, chase maverick, doyale mackenzie, chuck stallion, prime, donald thompson, uncharted oceans wrestling,